September 2016

Emergency Wearable, a step forward in women empowerment

Violence against women has been just rife for centuries, worldwide. It is a peculiarly intimate kind of abuse engraved in private relationships, conducted behind closed doors and that, very often, spills over into the public streets.

"Emergency Wearable" is our remedial initiative to resist this global problem. It is a bracelet equipped with a button that allows any woman wearing it to send a notification in case of a potential threat to a call center; that will, thereafter, contact an appropriate relative or friend, a help association or police.

Emergency Wearable measures combined variables in order to detect situation of stress and danger such as:

  • The heartbeat
  • The temperature
  • The geolocation
  • The speed and level of fall

IoT News

Emotional wearable trackers: The new decoders of emotional intelligence

In an increasingly fast-paced world, people at work are exponentially becoming susceptible to burnout, erratic mood-swings and even PTSD. As an immediate solution, a myriad of revolutionizing products and technological conventions has been advanced lately to the market by the new wave of the world of wearable art in order to remediate to the permeating stress epidemia at work and allow people to get in direct touch with their emotions and others.

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MIT Technology Review: "Customer service bots are getting better at detecting your agitation"

A virtual assistant that can tell you’re frustrated can slow down and help you out. SRI International, the Silicon Valley research lab where Apple’s virtual assistant Siri was born, is working on a new generation of virtual assistants that respond to users emotions.

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Journaldunet : Les trackers émotionnels, nouvelles coqueluches du monde des wearables.

Ces bracelets et bagues connectés capables d'analyser les émotions de leurs utilisateurs vont bientôt déferler sur le marché grand public. Ils intéressent aussi les professionnels.

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Chifco in the Media :« Home Secure, la solution 100% tunisienne pour une maison intelligente »

Chifco a développé et implémenté un système de surveillance de maison dans une manière personnalisée grâce au système Home Secure, peut-être la caméra la plus intelligente. Une maison intelligente représente un style de vie amélioré, desservant aux besoins fondamentaux de confort, fonctionnalité et sécurité.

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Tunisie Haut débit : « Dernier appel pour participer au Prix Orange de l’Entrepreneur Social »

Orange encourage les porteurs d’idées innovantes qui s’appuient sur les nouvelles technologies, à proposer des produits ou services qui répondent aux différents problèmes sociaux du pays. Lors des précédentes éditions, beaucoup ont déposé leurs candidatures, dont des success stories comme Amine Chouaieb et sa startup Chifco, lauréat en 2013 du POESAM.

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Mosaïque Fm : « Des chercheurs tunisiens inventent un bracelet déclencheur d'alerte »

Des chercheurs tunisiens travaillant au sein de la société Chifco, spécialisée dans le domaine de l’internet, ont inventé un bracelet électronique qui déclenche des alertes lorsque la personne qui le porte est confrontée à un danger. Amine Chouaieb, fondateur de la société a déclaré que le bracelet contient un bouton, sur lequel peut appuyer son porteur lorsqu'il sent qu'il est en danger.

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The tour de force of Chifco at the Innovating Justice Boostcamp

In the wake of its election as semi-finalist at the international HiiL Innovating Justice program, Chifco has yet again successfully scored a new victory at the Innovating Justice Boostcamp held at the Cogite Coworking Space in Tunis on the 15th of september.

Chifco is now one round away from being selected to come pitch in The Hague for the Innovating Justice Awards 2016.

The odyssey of Amine Chouaieb brought to light on radio Jawhara FM

On the 25th of this month, Amine Chouaieb unfolded the details of his success story on Jawhara FM channel through its radio emission Tounes b'Awledha. Amine candidly revealed the singularities of his personal life, starting from his early childhood. He ascended to the top through trial and error. He believes that success is a goal that one should fiercely work for, and he evidenced that claim by advancing his own example. Amine learnt from the start that life is a long struggle and worked diligently to turn his own around. He also stressed the importance of social involvement as a key ingredient to success in business by giving testimonies of his early work experiences.

Amine Chouaieb masterfully pitched at Cogite Coworking Space

Held at the Cogite Coworking Space, the Innovating Justice Boostcamp expanded to 2 days, starting by the 14th of this month. On their first day, Chifco’s team performed a testing pitch about the project "Emergency Wearable" with the HiiL group. On the following day, Chifco delivered the final pitch in front of a jury. Amine Chouaieb closed the competition by presenting a brilliant Pecha Kucha of the project. His outstanding performance paved the way for Chifco to ultimately win the contest.