March 2017

Home Secure, the camera that protects you

Home Secure is a combination of an intelligent camera and an intuitive application that allows you to monitor everything and to get alerts. It’s simple to set up and can be managed with your mobile, laptop and internet.

Home Secure comes with its own Cloud service. It offers a wide range of features:

  • Alarm system.
  • Real-time streaming.
  • Replay.
  • High quality vision and imaging.
  • Motion detection and image capture.

IoT News

What is a smart city?

Cities are getting smarter by the years. Many governments around the globe are racing to infuse technology into every aspect of its city’s operations. And it does this by using every buzz word imaginable, from big data to the internet of things. So how does a smart city work? Let’s take a look at three concrete examples.

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La ville intelligente : nouvelle mode ou nouveau modèle ?

Les objets connectés nous entourent au quotidien. Accrochés à notre poignet, dans notre maison ou dans le jardin. Peu à peu ils commencent aussi à envahir d’autres espaces. Mais c’est la ville qui est le prochain véritable chantier des nouvelles technologies. Proposer une ville connectée en 2017 devient presque une tendance.

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San Diego to get $30 million smart city network

San Diego may be known for its vibrant tech start-up scene, but the city is set to become even smarter thanks to a new Internet of Things (IoT) platform. The Southern California city has formed a partnership with Current, a connected tech company owned by GE, to install a sophisticated IoT network.

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Chifco in the Media 

2ème édition du forum des entreprises à l’Université Paris Dauphine Tunis

L’Université Paris Dauphine de Tunis a organisé, le Mercredi 29 mars 2017, la deuxième Edition du Dauphine Forum Entreprises sur son campus situé à El Omrane.

Ouvert à toute la population estudiantine de la Tunisie, dauphinoise ou non, le Dauphine Forum Entreprises se veut une occasion pour les étudiants et jeunes diplômés de nouer des contacts en vue de favoriser leur insertion professionnelle et leur employabilité.

Des acteurs économiques majeurs du tissu entrepreneurial tunisien seront ainsi présents le 29 mars 2017 sur le campus de Dauphine de Tunis, parmi lesquels : Assurances Maghrébia, Ooredoo, Vivo Energy, Chifco, EY, Business & Decision, Oddo Tunis, Total, Le Moteur, Vermerg, Mazars, Mindshare, Tim Soft, TAEF, Zitouna Takaful, EPPM, SVR, NGI, UIB, ou encore IPS, Magasin Général…

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An IoT Workshop on the premises of Chifco

In the end of March, 7 young students of different backgrounds visited Chifco, including Sonia and Abdelahmid who had the brilliant idea of organizing a workshop entitled "How design in IoT context enhances co-creation in North Africa ". The objective was to grasp use cases in IoT, develop a new product, improve an existing solution and also understand the user's point of view about IoT products.

Amine Chouaieb, intervene at Tunisie Alternatives Think Tank Workshop

On the 16 March 2017, the Tunisie Alternatives Think Tank’s Innovation and Competitiveness cluster had the pleasure to invite digital entrepreneurs, including Amine Chouaieb - CEO of Chifco, to a Workshop in order to participate and debate around the transformation of Tunisia and its immersion into the digital revolution.

Chifco invited at the Maghreb Marketing Association roundtable

For the international congress of the Maghreb Marketing Association, a roundtable was held on March 3rd, 2017 at the Mehari Hammamet Hotel. Several speakers were invited including Inès Nasri CEO of Web Power Agency, Mohamed Lamine Hakouna CTO of Chifco and Tarek Lassadi CEO of TravelToDo. Chifco's intervention aimed to demonstrate the impact of IoT in improving the customer experience.